Assalamualikum W.B.T. dan Salam Sejahtera,
1. I was sadden by the horrible news that I read on page 4, The STAR newspaper dated 8 January 2014. The whole page was about how 10 children was brutally abused physically, emotionally and mentally that ended up with the children either badly injured, in coma and died.
2. Children are gifts of God to humankind and we adults are responsible for bringing them to the world. Therefore it is our duty to protect and thus prevent any harm being inflicted to the child, be it from members of our own family or others.
3. As members of the society, we must take an effort to understand and know what to do when we suspects a child is at risk. We are not being nosy but we have a duty to fulfill to protect and prevent potential child being abused.
4. If we ignore the sign of a child being abused, should later the child is found badly injured, in coma or died, than we are equally guilty for not taking the right action, at least to investigate the matter.
5. The step to prevent and stop child abuse start from recognising the sign, than intervention is needed to prevent and lastly to lodge a report to the authorities for investigations. Signs of child abuse not just in bruises and broken bones but deeper than that are emotional abuse and neglect.
6.Signs of physical abuse:
* Always watchful "on alert" waiting for something bad to happen;
* Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from hand or belt;
* Wears inappropriate clothing to cover injuries.
7.Signs of sexual abuse:
* Complain of pains or frequent crying when going to toilet;
* Trouble walking or sitting;
* Avoiding specific person;
* Does not want to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities;
* Runs away from home.
8.So, how many more children will have to suffer in silent, brutally injured, fall into coma and died because of the adults doing abusing them physically, mentally and emotionally?
9.Doesn't we as the member of the society has a duty to stop the act of child abuse or we choose not to do anything? @09.01.2014
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